From POLITICO’s Morning Cybersecurity:

I Am The Cavalry’s Beau Woods talked with POLITICO’s Morning Cybersecurity about some of the changes and adaptations being seen as a result of new virtual medium for the upcoming DEF CON IoT Village.

Beau Woods is involved in organizing a number of the villages and said he’s seeing some innovation. The Car Hacking Village, for instance, “is writing software code and interfaces to be able to hook up to the cars” stationed in someone’s garage and make sure that a group of hackers can keep track of what worked or didn’t and whose actions triggered what outcomes, Woods told MC. Some villages hired a professional event planner to work through logistics. One positive: “We don’t have to be constrained by the eight-hour day. We don’t have to be constrained by the number of people who might be in South Africa or somewhere and can’t afford the flight ticket and hotel.”