We asked the IoT Village about how they help industry and threat researchers work together to secure our ever-growing number of connected devices.
I Am The Cavalry spoke with the Aerospace Village team about their work.
DEF CON Safe Mode
I Am The Cavalry member Beau Woods was recently interviewed about policymaker participation at DEF CON "Safe Mode" for the Hewlett Foundation Cyber Initiative newsletter.
Security researchers have diverse motivations for investigating security flaws in software and systems. As companies, policymakers, lawyers, and […]
We’ve been using a framework for a couple of years to explain how the Internet of […]
On January 15, 2016, The U.S. Food and Drug Administration released Draft Guidance on Postmarket Management of […]
The FDA, among other agencies, is hosting an event called Collaborative Approaches for Medical Device and Healthcare […]
Heartbleed, Shellshock, and Erosion of Third-Party Trust TL;DR Today’s software inherently depends on unreliable computer code. […]
I Am The Cavalry is proud to be an organizational sponsor of ISSA Los Angeles (Event Flyer). […]