We’re happy to announce a partnership with Hack in the Box Security Conferences! At Hack In The Box Amsterdam (HITB2017AMS), April 10-14, 2017, 50% of the Commsec track will be dedicated to talks that fall within the IATC domains and we will be part of the CFP selection committee for these talks. The HITB Commsec track has the huge advantage that it’s open to the general public, so it will be possible to bring in interested parties from manufacturers and government without them needing to pay the conference admission fee. We will also arrange an IATC meetup again in 2017 during HITB2017AMS, so if you’re interested in our work and you’re in Europe, you should consider attending this conference.
HITB has always been run ‘by and for’ the community (everyone is essentially a volunteer), and the CommSec track is a natural extension of the main conference program. Think of it sort of like having their own ‘B-Sides’. The main conference Call for Papers gets somewhere between 4 or 5:1 talk to slot submissions and a lot of these presentations are good but there’s simply not enough space for them all. The CommSec track was partially born out of that and in keeping with the HITB spirit of ‘keeping knowledge free’, they decided that access to the CommSec track (like the CommSec Village and technology exhibition area) should be free as well.